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Welcome to Your Tropical Temple


Updated: Mar 12, 2021

I'm so happy you've landed in this little spot of sunshine. I hope you find a quiet space, a safe sanctuary and an inspiring environment here.

Hanging out with Theda Bara (pictured above), queen of silent cinema and vamp, 1920s. Original photo by Bettman.

Welcome, Beautiful Soul

Have you ever created something from scratch, straight from your heart and just set it free?

As Tropical Temple is now breathing and kicking (high kick!) I am breathing a sigh of joy and looking upwards with sparkly eyes... Self Love Marketplace is humming and all I have to do is let her live. And spread the lurve!

I appreciate your presence, beautiful soul. Whatever has brought you here, I'm sending you a squeezy bear hug. Can you feel it? Put your arms around yourself, c'mon. Wrap your tentacles around your body, squeeze your paws and take some deep breaths now. Be here now. Just be.

I'm doing the same.

Father Ocean, Mother City

Guided from above... Supported from below

Today's song uplifts me. In no uncertain terms, it makes me feel like I'm flying. I feel it patter through my chest and when it ends, I always feel my cheeks hurt and realize I've been smiling all the way through.

The ocean always plunges me into a cleanse. Preferably, the universe offers me some freezing body of turquoise (favourite word alert) water I can slide into, lose my breath for a moment and feel completely immersed in the nature of it all. #Connected. #Floaty. #Untethered.

This month, I got really lucky with the opportunity to fly to my homeland, South Africa. I was absolutely craving an ocean dip, given I hadn’t visited SA in over a year. But the beaches were closed to the public - in an attempt to keep crowds off the beaches and safely at home during this pandemic reality. I quietly asked the universe for a chance to slide into the sea. My request was granted. With my father and my brother, we found an isolated cove a couple hours outside Cape Town, without another soul in sight. I slid off the rocks and into the rising azure. Absolute bliss.

This story ends with me jumping on a plane back to the Netherlands 2 weeks earlier than I initially planned, due to border closures between SA and NL. Travelling is a luxury, I know. It felt essential I spend quality time with my family and reconnect with my Mother City and her surrounding father ocean.

You know that feeling like you just feel you're being guided? And carefully protected? And nudged in the right direction? If you do, HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! If you're not sure what I'm rambling on about, stick with me, this is the place you can learn to tap into more by knowing yourself better.

Find Your Favourite

Landing back in NL, I was able to direct my now-restored creative energy into forming Tropical Temple in real life (IRL).

And here we are!

Start by browsing through our Self Love Marketplace. We're dedicated to offering products and practises which enhance your Self Love.

You can browse by category:

- Editor’s Favourites - These are our recommended products of the month, as chosen by our Editor, Trudy.

- Um-Beyonce (aka Ambience) - These create a safe sanctuary for you to relax, feel calm and enjoy your gorgeous surroundings.

- My Body is My Temple - Your body is the greatest instrument you will ever own (to quote Baz Luhrmann). Treat it well.

Free Spirit - Meditate. Journal. Give your hamster mind a quiet break. Let your soul rest and recover.


With love, the Self Love Club x

P.S. Happy Full Moon.


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